Houston Sex Offender Lawyer

Sex Offender Attorney Proudly Serving Houston, TX

Houston Sex Offender AttorneyIn the state of Texas, sex crimes are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. That means that prosecutors in this state are known to be extremely tough on such crimes, especially those involving minors.  Because penalties can be so severe, anyone accused of any type of a sex offense could experience irreparable damage to family life, job, financial security, and personal reputation. For that reason, it is always in the best interests of someone accused of a crime of this nature to contact expert legal advice immediately. At the very least, a conviction could result in a lifetime registration as a sex offender, and at most, a lifetime in prison. If you find yourself in this situation, contact our Houston Sex Offense Lawyer now, don’t wait.

That’s because most sex offenses under Texas law are considered felonies, which means that they carry the greater potential for extended prison sentences. The specific penalty someone convicted of a sex crime faces depends on the particular charge, any past criminal history, as well as any other considerations relevant to the case.

An experienced sex offender lawyer in Houston

As a former Houston sex crimes prosecutor himself, Paul Darrow is able to provide clients with an insider’s eye view of how the prosecutor’s office will proceed in a sex crimes case and how best to defend against it.

Contact Houston Sex Offense Lawyer Paul Darrow to Help You!

Even if you are never actually convicted of a sex offense, Paul understands that false accusations can have a terrible impact on your life for a very long time. Harassment by accusers, aggressive prosecutors, and those who will do whatever they can to condemn without evidence can leave incredible damage behind. Attorney Paul Darrow will fight for you.

At the Darrow Law Firm, we understand the seriousness of being accused of a sex offense and are here to help. We believe that everyone should be treated with dignity, respect, and presumption of innocence, and we are here to listen. Call our office today; the initial consultation is free.